At a time like this what would we do without MOM? She may be quarantined, but her workload has tripled... shopping in the war zone, cooking all the meals, homeschool teaching and the great entertainer. Show her how much she matters with an escape to Habitude's BIG COMEBACK.

You can easily order her a gift card online ... emailed to you or to her directly OR you can pre-order and stop by curbside on our Take-Out Thursdays in Ballard between 12-3 to pick up the actual card, plus a gift box of her favorite products. Here's to MOMS, they really do make the word go around.

In the last 24 years, Habitude has had a lot of hard days, fires and floods, break-ins and loss and many really tough days.. March 13th was one of the scariest for me- the day before I was going to furlough 60% of the team for a "couple of weeks". I was so fearful about that next day, when Sophia, my wing woman and I would meet with each person one on one and say goodbye. It ended up being one of the most amazing of days. Everyone was so shocked but so supportive and calm at the same time. Each of them was selfless, strong, yet worried for me. I will never forget the love I felt that day. By the 15th we were forced to tell the other 40% that we must shut everything down immediately.

They knew I would NEVER do this if I didn't have to and they trusted me. Trust will be the theme of our BIG COMEBACK, which we intend to do as soon as we can. We don't have the NEW Washington State Board standards yet but many of my peers in Georgia have gotten theirs and re-opened. We plan to follow all of these to the extreme plus add our own safety measures that we feel are essential and unique to us. Balancing the health of each of them and each of you will be a delicate thing and your Habitude experience will feel VERY different for a while.


Some of the things required may be: waiting in your car until your appointment, being greeted by your service provider in full face mask and possibly face shield, no beverage service or magazines, masks required at all times for you and us, and maybe even arriving with clean hair and no blow dry for the short term. We will minimize most of our spa amenities. And weirdest of all ... no hugs.

We plan to give you all of these details as we finalize our Habitude Safety Charter that each of us will be asked to commit to and sign and you will be asked to follow as you arrive. What we do know is that it will be a wild and wonderful homecoming. Hopefully it won't be long before we can get back to our new normal. I have no doubt that the Habitude Team will come back together to give you the best experience they possibly can. YOU CAN TRUST US. Be sure to join our email list here and be on our Habitude Facebook Page for up to the minute news on our BIG COMEBACK.

Love and Hand-on-Heart Hugs,
Inez and The Habitude Team




We are committed to safely continue to serve you with all of your product needs every THURSDAY from 12-3 until our reopening!

This includes, AVEDA, GIFT CARDS, DAVINES, BUMBLE AND BUMBLE, APOTHECANNA, SOUL SPRING CBD and COMFORT ZONE products as well as anything you can think of from our OFFERINGS BOUTIQUE .

E-MAIL us your order every week by 9 AM Thursday morning and we will email you back with a total and payment link. Then we can safely bag up your gift card and or products, including an extra few free samples and a pair of gloves. Pull into the parking lot and we will have your bag ready! We appreciate you buying from us and helping us keep the pilot lights on during this difficult time.







Don't want to leave the compound? Use these links to get some of your favorites delivered right to your front door! HABITUDEshop our online e-commerce apothecary for Davines, ComfortZone and Bumble & Bumble.



In closing we just wanted to share our thanks to our nurses, the true heros of this crisis. Habitude gets about 50 magazines delivered every month and we have been making baskets for our nurses and delivering them with love! Many of you have called and asked if you can give your unused gift cards to first responders and we think that is a great idea!

On May 6th we will be creating more big, beautiful baskets like we did on Easter. It is a little thing, but the thought of these amazing healers being able to soak in a Habitude smelling tub and read a fashion magazine when they get home from a 48 hour shift makes us smile!



Thank You Trish for getting it to the front lines and Nurses, be well, from the bottom of Habitude's heart.

Habitude at the Locks | 2801 NW Market Street | Seattle
Habitude Fremont | 513 N 36th Avenue | Seattle
Reservations: 206.782.2898
