It is that time of year again, our beloved Earth Month. We are excited to be making an difference globally and for our local environmental partners, the Puget Sound Keepers Alliance.


With a mission to protect and preserve the waters of Puget Sound, Puget Soundkeeper takes the lead in maintaining a healthy, thriving ecosystem for everyone in their region. They actively patrol the waters, enforce the Clean Water Act, engage with businesses, government, agencies and community members, and pursue strong policy and proactive solutions to prevent toxic pollution.





We will be closed Easter Sunday so our Team can enjoy their families and hopefully some sunshine!





into your social media for an AMAZING special announcement launching on 4/20!


HINT HINT: Habitude "goes green" with our Seattle exclusive SPA-CANNA Menu and Apothecanna product line.






let us love and amaze you

hab-i-tude -noun [hab-i-tood]

1. A state of body or mind: a healthy mental habitude. 2. A habit or custom: traditional habitudes of kindliness and courtesy 3. A meeting place: habitude is Seattle's favorite salon, spa and eco-boutique


At the Locks:

2801 NW Market St.

Seattle, WA 98107



513 N 36th St.

Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 782-2898


